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Suspenseful Seven Sentence Sunday Week 5

Collateral DamageHot news to share!!  First I hope everyone is warm, toasty, and preparing for Superbowl fun.  This week, I will be short and to the point, so everyone can have a tidbit of COLLATERAL DAMAGE and still get ready for the day.  One thing that makes sports events, movies, and books so much fun is that they are shared experiences with a great number of people.  So if you love a book, a movie, a TV show, a play then share it and tell a friend.  Word of mouth is how bestsellers and blockbusters are made.

My news!:  I’m the Week long SPOTLIGHT author for Check me out starting on Monday for fun, prizes, and uh-oh a secret or two about me!

My light-bulb realization this week:  Time may fly when you’re having fun, but it freaking breaks the sound barrier when you have a deadline.

Now to seven more suspenseful sentences from COLLATERAL DAMAGE!

Keeping the shooter in his sight had seemed the better option, but with his position blown, practically zero cover, and the bastard still functional, Jack realized he’d played the wrong hand. They were now at a standoff unless he—

WTF? Jack caught the gleaming glint of something being thrown at the house Lauren was in. It bounced off the brick and clinked over the stone toward the patio furniture and the huge stone hearth of the outdoor fireplace. When smoke didn’t immediately spew and the attacker took off running with a limp, Jack’s heart hammered in dread. A grenade?

Out of time, Jack rolled like an unfurling whip away from the garden just before a blast shattered glass in a blinding flash.

If you love it! Share it!

Go forth. Dream, Believe, Create, Inspire, and Love

J.L. Saint aka Jennifer St. Giles aka Jennifer Saints

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Love the action!
    I’m always looking for new sites for the web tour segment of my blog–
    I’ll be linking to this Monday. : )

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