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Wild Irish Ride

Weldon Brothers Series

Wild Irish Ride

A couple’s sensual journey from the strictures of their lives to explore the passion they left behind and discover a love they never thought they would have.

Twelve years ago wrong side of the tracks bad boy, Jesse Weldon, was framed for a crime he didn’t commit by the blue-blooded Jordan family. Now he’s back in Savannah with his highly successful security company to put the Weldon name on the right side of the tracks. Unfortunately, before he can even make a move in that direction, he runs into Alexandria Jordan and ends up making the same mistake he did before. He succumbs to her allure, but this time, he plans on getting her out of his system for good and walking away.

Except for a few wild moments with Jesse at seventeen, Alexi Jordan has followed the life expected of her. But a Wedding Day betrayal from her blue-blooded fiancé has her running from her life and right into the arms of the man she’d never forgotten, Jesse. Yet as she forges a new future for herself amid the scandal of her aborted wedding, Alexi finds herself the target of a twisted killer and both her and Jesse’s days are now numbered.

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Wild Irish is a beautiful story of love and family with a twisted plot filled with mystery. I enjoyed following both characters through discovering their feelings for one another and through unraveling who was behind all the attacks. I already have book two in my hands, waiting for me to dive in! The Weldon Brothers are going to be one hell of a series to follow. ~ 4.75 Stars Night Owl Reviews

Jennifer Saints has definitely surprised me – all in a good way with her ability to draw out mind-numbing scenes of passion that in no way hinders the character development and the suspense potion of the novel that unfolds. I am now very much tempted to get a copy of the next book in the series that features the widowed and grieving older brother of Jesse who finds his happily ever after with Alexi’s best friend. And believe me, the pictures available on the freely available chapters just about made me hyperventilate and I bet the heat factor in their story would drive me insane before I’m through!

Highly recommended for those who love stories of bad boys and rich heiresses and for those who love highly sensual romantic suspense novels.

~ Maldivian Book Reviewer
Rating from the sunny side of life:  


“Still a virgin on the run after all these years, Lexi?” he drawled.  His voice, as steamy and seductive as Southern summer day, challenged her on an elemental level, a sensual one.

“Almost,” Alexi said, letting the last illicit picture she had of Roger fall from her grasp to the ground.  She’d only ever been with Roger and he didn’t count.  Not anymore.  She sucked in air, latching onto Jesse’s appeal.  The reporters encircled them.  Jesse lifted his hot gaze to her eyes and smiled.

“Almost?”  Slow and sexual, his grin spread awareness over her.  “Sounds frustrating.  Interested in changing that?”  He ran his finger under her chin and she caught her breath.

Yes, some part deep inside her shouted.  Yes, she wanted to change that.  Here was one situation her grandmother couldn’t smooth over with a lie.  With the cameras rolling, Roger and her grandmother would get a clear picture that Alexi meant it when she said she wasn’t marrying Roger ever.

“Yes,” Alexi said to Jesse, stepping closer to him.  Waves of his sex appeal washed over her.  Waves she had no trouble remembering, though she’d only been seventeen when she’d last dipped into them.  His nearness and touch sparked something inside of her that wanted to rebel against everything that had just happened to her.  “Kiss me,” she demanded, loudly.

Jesse arched his brow and asked softly, “What’s your game Lexi?”  His slid an arm around her and pulled her flush to his chest, her breasts to his hard muscle.  Then his mouth covered hers.  She gasped at the desire shooting through her as his tongue entered her mouth, and his gaze dared her to respond.

She wound her arms around his neck, pressed closer to him, and met his tongue with hers.  His eyes widened with surprise, telling her that he’d expected her to put him off rather than to take him up on his challenge.  After that first moment, he didn’t hesitate in delivering a four-alarm kiss.  He bent her back over his arm, inserted his leg between hers and had one hand cupping her butt.  In one kiss he ravished her from the inside out and she burned for more.  By delivering a message to her grandmother, what message had she delivered to herself?

He ended the kiss, but kept her captive in his embrace as he stared into her eyes.  The cameras continued to flash and the world swirled crazily.  She ran her fingers into the silk of his hair and kissed him again, wanting to chase away the chill Roger had left inside her.  Jesse groaned and deepened the kiss more.

Her heart pounded at the line she crossed by welcoming his embrace in so public a way.  He smelled faintly of aftershave and some indefinable, but intriguing scent.  His body, strong and sure, eased around hers, a balm to her chaffed emotions.  Yet before she could lose herself in him, he ended the kiss.  Emotion and desire collided, springing tears to her eyes.  “Get me out of here, please,” she whispered.

Cool cynicism descended into the heat of his gaze.  “So that’s your angle.  You need a hero, even if it’s a Weldon.”

Glancing up at the reporters around them, he cursed.  “Well, your highness, these days I charge for services rendered, and I expect to get paid.”  He scooped her into his arms and rammed through the reporters.  “I’ll be your hero for a price.”

“What do you mean by that?” she asked, struggling in his arms as he headed to the parking lot.  Reporters followed.

Jesse stopped a moment and looked into her eyes.  A sensual promise curved his lips.  “We’ll take care of the details later.

The choice is yours, Lexi.  Me.  Or the sharks following us?”

“You,” she said, wondering if she’d just made a deal with the devil in Georgia.

©2009 Jennifer Saints

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